
Jonathan Locke Hart

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    W przekładzie Włodzimierza Krysińskiego oraz Mariusza Gołąba

    Jonathan Locke Hart mieszka w Kanadzie, czasowo także w Anglii, USA i Francji. Jest poetą, historykiem, krytykiem i teoretykiem literatury. Jego zbiory poetyckie Breath and Dust, Dream China, Dream Salvage, Dreamwork and Musing oraz pojedyncze utwory zostały przetłumaczone na francuski, rosyjski, słoweński, estoński i grecki. Jest autorem licznych książek z dziedziny literaturoznawstwa i teorii kultury (Theater and World, Northrop Frye, Representing the New World, Comparing Empires, Interpreting Cultures, Empires and Colonies, Shakespeare, Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, Fictional and Historical Worlds, Textual Imitation). Prowadził wykłady na zaproszenie uniwersytetów Harvarda, Cambridge, Alberta, Toronto, Princeton, Durham, the Sorbonne-Nouvelle.

    Jonathan Locke Hart, who has lived in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States and France, is a poet, historian and critic-theorist. His books of poetry include Breath and Dust, Dream China, Dream Salvage, Dreamwork and Musing, and his poems have been translated into French, Russian, Slovenian, Estonian, Greek and other languages. His non-fiction books include Theater and World, Northrop Frye, Representing the New World, Comparing Empires, Interpreting Cultures, Empires and Colonies, Shakespeare, Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, Fictional and Historical Worlds, and Textual Imitation. He has held appointments and visiting appointments at Harvard, Cambridge, Alberta, Toronto, Princeton, Durham, the Sorbonne-Nouvelle and elsewhere.



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