Eastern Review – Call for Papers

Opublikowano: 1 June 2020

Czasopismo naukowe Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego “Eastern Review” zaprasza do publikowania.

Zagadnienia podejmowane w czasopiśmie dotyczą państw regionu Europy Wschodniej postrzeganego w kategoriach geopolitycznych i społeczno-kulturowych, nie zaś wąsko geograficznych. W związku z tym w polu badawczym periodyku znajdują się Białoruś, Mołdawia, Rosja i Ukraina, a także inne państwa obszaru poradzieckiego.

W periodyku poruszana jest problematyka polityczno-prawna, społeczno-gospodarcza i językowo-kulturowa. Zamieszczane są w nim opracowania  politologiczne, prawoznawcze, socjologiczne, ekonomiczne, kulturoznawcze oraz językoznawcze. Jednocześnie każdy numer periodyku ma charakter tematyczny, podobnie jak miało to miejsce w przypadku Eastern Review wydawanego na przełomie ubiegłego wieku.

Więcej informacji:




Faculty of International Studies and Political Science, International Centre for East European Research of the University of Lodz (ICEER UL) announces call for papers to be published in the 2019 editions of Eastern Review. 

Eastern Review is an international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal edited by the ICEER in cooperation with the Committee for the Study of Integration of Europe of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz. It is a direct continuation of the journal by the same name published between 1997 and 2001 by Centre for Eastern Studies at the University of Lodz. 

Journal’s publisher is Lodz University Press. All articles are available in Open Access at University of Lodz Repository: http://dspace.uni.lodz.pl:8080/xmlui/handle/11089/5078?locale-attribute=en 

The journal is devoted to publishing cutting-edge research on the regions of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as post-Soviet area, viewed from political, social and cultural perspectives. The editors invite the submission of articles in the traditional fields of social sciences and humanities, such as political science, international relations, psychology, economics, sociology, cultural anthropology. 

Original, unpublished scientific articles in English may be sent by e-mail by the 1st of September, 2020. 

Submission guidelines All submissions should be made online through the Eastern Review’s publishing panel available at: www.czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/eastern/ Please follow the guidelines below 

The standard manuscript length is 7-12,000 words including footnotes. 

Manuscripts should adhere to the “Harvard” style of referencing. Authors who do not follow these instructions may have their manuscripts returned for revision before the formal review process. 

Examples: Kouba, K. and Lysek, J., 2016. Institutional determinants of invalid voting in post- communist Europe and Latin America. Electoral Studies, 41, pp. 92-104. 

Potz, M., 2016. Teokracje amerykaoskie. Źródła i mechanizmy władzy usankcjonowanej religijnie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. 

Ponczek, E., 2016. Możliwości i ograniczenia podejścia interdyscyplinarnego w politologicznych badaniach myśli politycznej i refleksji teoretyczno-politycznej. In: T. Domaoski, ed., Międzynarodowe studia polityczne i kulturowe wobec wyzwao współczesności. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. 

Tulving, E. and Craik, F. I. eds., 2005. The Oxford handbook of memory. Oxford University Press. Shugart, M. S., 2005. Comparative electoral systems research: the maturation of a field and new challenges ahead. The politics of electoral systems, pp. 25-56. 

All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. In the text, refer to the author’s name (without initials) and year of publication (e.g. “Potz (2016) has shown that…” or “Some scholars argue (Kouba and Lysek, 2018; …)”). For three or more authors use the first author followed by “et al.”, in the text. 

Notes The notes in manuscript should be kept to a minimum and take the form of footnotes. 


Please apply the following formatting throughout the text: A4 paper size; Word or equivalent format; Times New Roman 12; 1.5 interline spacing; 25 mm margins on all sides; justified; continuous page numbers in bottom right-hand corner; title of the article in bold and centred; all headings left- aligned, bold and indented. Paragraphs should be indented. 

Authors should present figures and tables in electronic format, bearing in mind that the print version will appear in greyscale, requiring good contrast for readability. All manuscripts must include a 200 to 300-word abstract and a biographical statement for each author of up to 50 words. 

All authors submitting publications to Eastern Review are required to provide their ORCID identifier (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). It can be obtained by registering at https://orcid.org. 


The abstract (200-300 words) should present research questions, aim and scope of the work, data, method, and scope of research as well as main theses and findings. 


The author should give 3-5 keywords. 

New submissions go through an in-house quality control check. Papers deemed suitable are then sent to external reviewers for evaluation and comments. We allow two months for review, but the length of the evaluation process may vary depending on reviewers’ availability and responses. Normally, the Editors’ decision is communicated to authors within four months from submission. Authors asked to revise their manuscripts have one to two months to submit a revised version. Revised manuscripts are sent back to the initial reviewers. 


Lead Editors 

Alicja Stępień-Kuczyńska 

Managing Editor 

Michał Słowikowski – michal.slowikowski@uni.lodz.pl


Ten post dostępny jest także w języku: Polish