AUL. Folia Philosophica – Call for Papers

Opublikowano: 24 July 2019



Nr 34/2019

Celebrating the philosophical and intellectual achievements of Jürgen Habermas

Philosoph und Intellektueller in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Zur Würdigung des Werks von Jürgen Haber­mas aus Anlass seines 90. Geburtstages


This year in June Jürgen Habermas turns 90. We believe that the most appropriate way to celebrate this anniversary and to appreciate such an important thinker is to reflect on his diagnoses as well as his conceptual and theoretical methods and to apply his legacy with respect to the experiences of our day. Habermas’s ideas provide intellectual tools not only to understand pathologies, disfigurements and developments that threaten to undermine political and social life in the West but also to search for ways to cope with them. The Editors of a special issue of “Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica” welcome submissions of papers discussing philosophical conceptions of Jürgen Habermas and engaging in dialogue with them. We invite to reflect on the following topics:

• Jürgen Habermas’s contribution to and transformation of the critical theory of society

• communicative rationality and discourse ethics

• deliberative democracy – liberal and republican traditions

• network society and the future of the public sphere

• the future of the EU

• liberal eugenics and “ethics of the species”

• religions in contemporary societies and the future of religions





All submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:

• Submissions should be in English, German or Polish.

• Papers should not exceed 8,500 words (including all notes and bibliography) and should be formatted in a standard font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Consult The Chicago Manual of Style on other matters of style and citation.

• The text should be accompanied by a 250-word abstractand keywords (approx. 5).

• Papers should contain nothing that identifies either author(s) or institution(s), including any references in the endnotes or bibliography that would betray the identity of the author.

• Send papers as Word (.doc or .docx) attachments via Open Journal System:   Unless you have already your personal account in Open Journal System, please register in the system to send the text in attachment. If any trouble occurs please consult us at:

Deadline: August 31, 2019



Ten post dostępny jest także w języku: Polish