European Spatial Research and Policy


European Spatial Research and Policy

Redaktor naczelny:
prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Marszał

European Spatial Research and Policy is a review concerned with the problems of social and economic organisation of space at local, regional and supranational levels. Comprising both theoretical and empirical aspects of spatial analyses, the journal is aimed at academics, policy-makers and practitioners interested in a broad range of spatial developments in contemporary Europe. Its main areas of interest include, among others, regional policy, spatial planning, European integration processes, labour market developments, foreign investments, and environmental problems. Contributions prepared by geographers and regional scientists, as well as economists, architects, sociologists and historians who undertake spatial research within their respective disciplines reflect the interdisciplinary character of the review.

Publisher: Lodz Univeristy Press

All articles are available in Open Access CC BY-NC-ND

Amount of research and review articles which were published last year: 14


European Spatial Research and Policy jest czasopismem naukowym, zajmującym się  problemem organizacji przestrzeni na poziomie lokalnym, regionalnym i ponadnarodowym w aspektach: socjalnym i ekonomicznym. Stanowi ono międzynarodowe forum wymiany myśli i doświadczeń. Czasopismo jest  skierowane zarówno do środowiska  naukowego jak i praktyków oraz decydentów politycznych. Główne obszary zainteresowania to: polityka regionalna, planowanie przestrzenne, proces integracji europejskiej, wskaźniki zatrudnienia, inwestycje zagraniczne, zanieczyszczenie środowiska, globalizacja i inne. Artykuły są pisane przez przedstawicieli różnych środowisk naukowych, min.: ekonomistów, architektów, socjologów, historyków, stąd interdyscyplinarny charakter periodyku.

Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

Wszystkie artykuły dostępne są w Otwartym Dostępie (Open Access) na licencji CC BY-NC-ND

Liczba artykułów opublikowanych w ostatnim roku: 15




  • Tadeusz MARSZAŁ, University of Łódź, Poland


  • Aleid BROUWER, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
  • Vladimír SLAVÍK, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Markus ELTGES, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Bonn, Germany


  • Gert-Jan HOSPERS, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
  • Katarzyna LEŚNIEWSKA-NAPIERAŁA, University of Łódź, Poland
  • Iwona PIELESIAK, University of Łódź, Poland

Managing editor

Joanna ULAŃSKA, University of Łódź, Poland

Editorial Board

  • David P. AMBORSKI, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
  • Marthinus S. BADENHORST, University of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa
  • Jiri BLAŽEK, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Giancarlo COTELLA, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy
  • Daniel CZAMAŃSKI, Technion in Haifa, Israel
  • Marton CZIRFUSZ, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
  • Bolesław DOMAŃSKI, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
  • Teresa FIDÉLIS, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  • Maria Dolors GARCIA-RAMON, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Anna GEPPERT, University Paris IV-Sorbonne, France
  • Tamer GÖK, Mersin University, Turkey
  • Beatrix HASELSBERGER, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  • Markus HESSE, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Ilari KARPPI, University of Tampere, Finland
  • Tomasz KOMORNICKI, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  • Ilaria MARIOTTI, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
  •  Tadeusz MARKOWSKI, University of Łódź, Poland
  • Gerhard SCHIMAK, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  • Karl Peter SCHÖN, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Bonn, Germany
  • David SICHINAVA, Tbilisi State University, Georgia
  • Pantoleon SKAYANNIS, University of Thessaly, Greece
  • Marek SOBCZYŃSKI, University of Łódź, Poland
  • Wendelin STRUBELT, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Bonn, Germany

Statistical Editor

Justyna WIKTOROWICZ, University of Łódź, Poland

Language Editor

David P. AMBORSKI, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Technical support

Jakub WOSIK – Publishing Editor-Proofreader
Anna WOSIAK – Maps and figures
Maciej NOWAKOWSKI – Cover design


Author fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (PLN)
The journal does not charge for submission of the manuscript.

Article Publication: 0.00 (PLN)
The journal does not charge for processing or publication of the manuscript.

All authors are requested to arrange their manuscripts as follows:

  1. Contributions submitted for publication should be prepared in good quality English. Articles must be restricted to 5,000 words and should not exceed 25 standard pages including illustrations, tables and references. Notes, commentaries and reports should not exceed 2,500 words.
  2. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other journal and should not have been published elsewhere in a substantially similar form.
  3. Manuscripts, preferably written using Microsoft Word, should be sent via e-mail to:
  4. The title, author’s name, affiliation and a short biographical sketch of not more than 50 words should be submitted on a separate cover page. The title of the article should appear again on the first text page, without the author’s name.
  5. Authors should supply on a separate page an abstract of not more than 100 words to appear at the beginning of the article.
  6. Tables and illustrations should be titled and numbered. Each should be placed on a separate sheet at the end of the text. All line diagrams are termed ‘Figures’ and should be referred to as such in the typescript. Maps and graphs should be prepared in such a form that they can be reproduced without redrawing. Tables should be submitted in a camera-ready form. The places where tables and figures should be inserted in the text must be clearly indicated.
  7.  Author citations should correspond to the author-date system, e.g. (Smith, 1990, pp. 15-18). If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication. The list of references should be prepared very carefully in alphabetical order, titles of journals should not be abbreviated and the bibliographic information should comprise:
  • for books – name(s) of author(s) or editor(s), year of publication, title, place of publication, publisher;
  • for periodical articles – name(s) of author(s), year of publication, title of article, title of periodical, volume number, pages on which article appears;
  • for articles in a book – name(s) of author(s), year of publication, title of the article, name(s) of author(s) or editor(s) of the book, place of publication, publisher.
  1. Explanatory footnotes in the text should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and be included on a separate sheet at the end of the text. Any acknowledgements should appear at the end of the text.

Note: All submitted articles undergo a process of blind peer review. Books for review can be addressed to the Editors.

Review process

All scientific articles undergo a process of double blind peer review  (authors and reviewers do not know their identities). Contributions are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers from outside the unit (department) to which the author of the article is affiliated (at least one reviewer should be affiliated to a foreign institution). The review is prepared in written form and is concluded by a clear conclusion whether the article may be published in the journal or should be rejected. The review form is published on the journal website.

Authors should reveal their share in the contribution (with their affiliation), indicating author of the concept, thesis, methods etc. The person submitting the article for publication is responsible for delivering this information. Contributions submitted for publication will be checked for ghostwriting and guest authorship (the relevant information on scientific unreliability will go to the institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, etc.). Authors should inform the editors about the sources of financing their publication and contribution of research and development institutions, societies and other entities. All cases of scientific unreliability, violating and breaking the rules of scientific ethics, will be exposed by the editors.



Author Responsibilities

Reporting standards:  Authors reporting results of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the manuscript. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Originality and Plagiarism: The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.

Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication:  An author should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Parallel submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Acknowledgement of sources: Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should also cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.

Authorship of a manuscript: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be named in an Acknowledgement section.

The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors (according to the above definition) and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the author list of the manuscript, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Hazards and human or animal subjects: If the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the authors must clearly identify these in the manuscript.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest: All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or their interpretation in the manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Fundamental errors in published works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal’s editor or publisher and cooperate with them to either retract the paper or to publish an appropriate erratum.


Editor Responsibilities

Accountability: The editor of a peer-reviewed journal is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal should be published, and, moreover, is accountable for everything published in the journal. In making these decisions, the editor may be guided by the policies of the journal’s editorial board as well as by legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor may confer with other editors or reviewers when making publication decisions. The editor should maintain the integrity of the academic record, preclude business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards, and always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

Fairness: The editor should evaluate manuscripts for intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the author(s). The editor will not disclose any information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than the author(s), reviewers and potential reviewers, and in some instances the editorial board members, as appropriate.

Confidentiality: The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.

Disclosure, conflicts of interest, and other issues: The editor will be guided by COPE’s Guidelines for Retracting Articles when considering retracting, issuing expressions of concern about, and issuing corrections pertaining to articles that have been published in International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal.

Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in an editor’s own research without the express written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.

The editor is committed to ensuring that advertising, reprint or other commercial revenue has no impact or influence on editorial decisions.

The editor should seek to ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process. Editors should recuse themselves (i.e. should ask a co-editor, associate editor or other member of the editorial board instead to review and consider) from considering manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or (possibly) institutions connected to the papers. Editors should require all contributors to disclose relevant competing interests and publish corrections if competing interests are revealed after publication. If needed, other appropriate action should be taken, such as the publication of a retraction or expression of concern.

Involvement and cooperation in investigations: Editors should guard the integrity of the published record by issuing corrections and retractions when needed and pursuing suspected or alleged research and publication misconduct. Editors should pursue reviewer and editorial misconduct. An editor should take reasonably responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper.



Reviewer Responsibilities

Contribution to editorial decisions

Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and, through the editorial communication with the author, may also assist the author in improving the manuscript.


Any invited referee who feels unqualified

to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its timely review will be impossible should immediately notify the editor so that alternative reviewers can be contacted.


Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with others except if authorized by the editor.

Standards of objectivity

Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inacceptable. Referees should express their views clearly with appropriate supporting arguments.

Acknowledgement of sources

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A reviewer should also call to the editor’s attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published data of which they have personal knowledge.

Disclosure and conflict of interest

Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviewers should not consider evaluating manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the submission.


  • BazHum
  • Celdes
  • CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
  • DOAJ
  • EBSCO – TOC Premier
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • Elsevier – SCOPUS
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index – Web of Science
  • ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • GeoArchive
  • GeoRef
  • Google Scholar
  • Index Copernicus
  • J-Gate
  • JournalTOCs
  • Naviga (Softweco)
  • Primo Central (ExLibris)
  • ProQuest – Earth Science Journals
  • ProQuest – Environmental Engineering Abstracts
  • ProQuest – Illustrata: Natural Sciences
  • ProQuest – International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  • ProQuest – Natural Sciences Journals
  • ProQuest – SciTech Journals
  • ProQuest – Sustainability Science Collection
  • ReadCube
  • Referativnyi Zhurnal (VINITI)
  • Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
  • SCImago (SJR)
  • Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest)
  • TDOne (TDNet)
  • Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb
  • WorldCat (OCLC)



The Editors-ESR&P-Łódź

Department of the Built Environment and Spatial Policy, University of Łódź
Kopcińskiego 31 Street
90-142 Łódź, Poland
Phone: (+48 42) 635 45 70
Fax: (+48 42) 635 45 72

The Editors-ESR&P-Groningen

Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen
P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, the Netherlands
Phone: (+31 50) 363 38 97
Fax: (+31 50) 363 39 01

